It is likely that you have heard of laser hair removal and some of the benefits that you could receive from using the treatment. However, you still may have questions about it. OKC residents are warmly invited to learn more about the treatments we offer and schedule a consultation to find out about their candidacy for them.
Key Benefits
It is good to mention right away that this is not labeled a permanent hair removal solution. It is a semi-permanent hair reduction treatment. Some of our clients have experienced the benefit of never having hair grow back in a place where laser treatments were performed. However, there are factors that cannot be controlled when it comes to hair growth. For example, you may go through the recommended amount of treatments, experience no hair growth, and then go through a hormonal change that triggers hair growth. What people do realize is that if and when the hair grows back, it is usually a lot more sparse than it was before.
Can you imagine how much time you would save if you did not have to go through your daily routine of shaving away or plucking out unwanted hairs? This is one of the biggest benefits that our OKC clients experience. They have so much more time to get ready for work in the morning.
Lots of people experience cuts, ingrown hairs, and rashes after shaving with a razor. You can say goodbye to all of those problems with laser hair removal treatments. You are always going to have smooth skin. You won’t have to deal with the discomfort and embarrassment that comes from razor bumps and infections that have to do with ingrown hairs.
You will be able to wear any type of clothing whenever you want to without worrying about unwanted hair growth. You are always going to have the freedom that comes from knowing that you can put on a tank top, shorts, or a bathing suit and not have to worry about hair growing on your body.
Over time, you are also going to save money. Just think about the amount of money that you regularly spend on shaving cream, razors, waxing sessions, and everything else associated with hair removal.
Are You a Good Candidate?
Many people have the idea that only certain individuals make good candidates for these treatments. The truth is that in the past, there were concerns that some individuals would not get good results. However, since technology has advanced so much in recent years, there are now lasers that give individuals with various skin tones and hair types good results.
The best way for you to find out about your candidacy for laser hair removal is to visit Jon Ric International Health and Wellness in Edmond. Contact us today to book your appointment and get started!