Massage therapy involves manipulating the soft tissues of your body, such as your muscles and connective tissues. It is designed to relieve disorders and discomforts that come from everyday life and from everyday stress. The use of this therapy has increased drastically in the past few years with a large percentage of the US population turning to it at one point or another to help them improve their health. There are a lot of benefits that a person can achieve by taking advantage of massage therapy.

Our experienced massage therapists are trained to help you either relax, reduce muscle tension, or find relief from chronic pain. Therapeutic massages are key to helping individuals who are overcoming injuries have a sense of physical and emotional well-being.

Massage therapy has helped many people minimize or completely remove pain. After getting this therapy, many comment that their joint mobility has improved. Improved circulation aids in healing, especially where damaged muscles are involved. Lymphatic massages can aid in lymphatic drainage. This is especially important for individuals who have had surgery that removed or damaged one of their lymph nodes.

Our massage therapists have been trained to provide assistance to a wide variety of patients regardless of their age. They can aid people in rehabilitation after an injury or after disability. They have been specially trained to understand the anatomy and how it should function properly. There are multiple massage techniques that we use. They range from a deep tissue massage to a Swedish massage and everything in between.

Massage therapy has been shown to be beneficial in individuals who are dealing with emotional stress, such as anxiety and depression. Individuals battling with headaches and insomnia have also seen their condition improve as a result of this form of therapy. Those who are dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome or the relentless pain of fibromyalgia see relief after visiting our office. The same is true for individuals who have strains and sprains or who have hurt themselves while playing sports or at work.

Massage therapy is not just beneficial for individuals after they have injured themselves. In fact, many use it in a preventative way. Athletes can use massage therapy to keep their muscles stay flexible and limber. The more flexible their muscles are, the less chance they’re going to injure themselves while they play their sport.

There is a big difference between having a friend give you a massage and having a massage performed by a massage therapist. Our massage therapists at Jon Ric International Health and Wellness are health professionals who follow strict and professional guidelines. Their goal is to help their patients reduce pain, improve flexibility, improve mobility, and overall improve their quality of life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Edmond!

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